What is NLP ?


what is NLP

Have you ever wondered how robots like Sophia or the home assistant seem so human and how they understand you? It is all because of the magic of Natural Language Processing or NLP. Using NLP you can make machines sound like humans and even 'understand' what you are saying.

In this article 'What is NLP? The best and simplest introductory guide to NLP' you will learn everything you need to know about NLP.

What is NLP?

NLP is a Natural language processing. Human beings interact with each other using words and text. The way humans communicate information to each other is called natural language. Every day humans share a great deal of quality information with each other in a variety of languages in the form of new speech or new text.


However, computers cannot interpret this data, which is in natural language, because they communicate in 1s and 0s. The data produced is precious and can provide valuable insights. Therefore, you need a computer to be able to understand, emulate, and intelligently respond to human speech.


Natural language processing or NLP refers to the branch of artificial intelligence that gives machines the ability to read, understand, and derive meaning from human languages.

NLP combines the fields of linguistics and computer science to specifically understand language structure and directions and build models that can understand, break down, and extract important details from text and speech.

what is NLP



How to Perform NLP?

The steps involved in preprocessing data in NLP include:



You must first separate the entire document into its component sentences. You can break it up with punctuation marks such as full stops and commas.

what is NLP            




In order for the algorithm to understand these types of sentences, you have to put all the words in a sentence and break them apart to explain to our algorithm. So, you break down your sentence into its component words and store them. This is called tokenizing, and each world is called a token.

what is NLP


Removing Stop word:

You can speed up the learning process even more by getting rid of unnecessary words that add meaning to our statements and to make our statements more coherent. Words like was, in, is, and, are called stop words and can also be omitted.

what is NLP



It is a process of getting the word root of any word. New words are formed by adding suffixes to word stems.

what is NLP



The process of obtaining the root stem of any word. The root stem gives the new base form of a word that is present in the dictionary and from which the word is derived. You can also identify a base word for different words based on tense, mood, gender, etc.

what is NLP


Part of speech tagging:

Now, you have to add these tags to our words to explain to the machine a concept of nouns, verbs, articles and other parts of speech. This is called 'part of'.

what is NLP


Named Entity Tagging:

Next, you introduce your machine to pop culture references and everyday names by flagging names of movies, important figures or places, etc., that may occur in the document. You also do this by categorizing words into subcategories. It also helps you to find any keyword in the sentence. The subcategories are person, place, monetary value, quantity, organization, movie.


After doing the preprocessing steps, you feed your resulting data to a machine learning algorithm like Naive Bayes, etc. to build the NLP application.


NLP Applications

NLP is one of the new ways that people have humanized machines and also reduced the need for labor. This has led to greater automation of speech-related tasks and human interaction. Some of the applications of Niche NLP include:


Translation Tools: Tools like Google Translate, Amazon Translate, etc. translate sentences from one language to another using NLP only.

Chatbots: Chatbots can be found on most websites and are a new way for companies to deal with common queries quickly.



In this article we have covered 'What is NLP? The best introductory guide to NLP, you will get to know about the concept of NLP. Followed by general NLP techniques. Then you looked at the applications of NLP.


If you want to learn the applications of NLP and become an expert in Artificial Intelligence, then this article will prove to be very beneficial for you. A world-class bootcamp program covering everything from NLP, Machine Learning, Deep Learning with Keras and TensorFlow, and advanced Deep Learning topics, it's a perfect fit for anyone looking to make it big in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning There is a program.


We hope this article taught you a lot about NLP and NLP data preprocessing. If you have any doubts or queries for us then do mention about them in the comment section of this article, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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